Thursday, February 12, 2015

Top 3 Thursday- Podcasts

My love for podcasts is kind of crazy..... I listen to them all the time, I just love that you can learn about anything and everything!

 Here are my top 3 that I listen to all the time! 

The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey-

This podcast might actually be my favorite, I love how down to earth it is! It's like your sitting down for a coffee (or in my case Tea) with her and her guest of the week! My favorite episodes are the Jen Hatmaker, Jennie Allen and Annie Downs, but really each episode is great!

The Influence Podcast-

I love the variety of this podcast lots of different topics, lots of different guest! I am especially loving the ones with Lara Casey right now!

Stuff You Missed in History Class-

This podcast literally sends my inner historian into a frenzy every time I listen to it! Host Holly and Tracy have a great way of presenting each topic in a down to earth manner that makes it great for all ages. As I said being a hobbiest(is that a word... sounds like one) historian I know some of this info already but they always seem to surprise me with a new fact every episode! Some of my fave episodes are, The Vanishing of Sister Aimee, Beast of Gevaudan, The Verreaux Brothers and the recent two parter on Antoni Gaudi.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

100 (actually 108 )Thoughts while watching Christian Mingle.....

I wouldn't say that this is the best movie that I have ever seen...... But it is really GOOD!!  It's a very sweet movie!

#1- Wait did she really just say what she says at the beginning of "The Wild Thornberries"... Man I miss that show.
#2- They should have used Kari Jobe's engagement pics adorbs
#3-Glad they are using actual music.
#4- That's a super cute outfit.
#5-Man I want to go to France.
#6- Ewww... Did he really just talk about poop?
#7- Yeah he's not listening....
#8- Poof! Just saying that will probably be my new thing.
#9- She actually keeps cookies in her cookie jar... I should get an owl cookie jar.
#10- Christian Mingle commercial!!
#11- I wish I could ride a bike to work!! Also her leggings are cute!
#12-Her office is so cute!
#13- She should just by a cat.
#14-"Not the day for stinky Joe".....
#15-"Don't call me Oprah"
#16- basically she just called herself Rumplestiltskin
#17-Where is that guy from........ His hair is so white..
#18- "It's easy... And it's free"
#19- Just do it....... She's signing up!
#20- She is totally going to get saved.
#22- That book shop is TO DIE FOR!!
#24- Honesty is very cute in a man!
#25- Yeah .... You also lied on your whole profile so......
#26-Tim Tebow should have played Paul.
#27-Just your standard Christian date.... You know Coffee..
#28- Yes you should always thank Jesus for coffee and cookies.... Also this is how I pray for real....
#30-HAHAHAHSHE CRASHED A WEDDING.... That should be on my bucket list...
#31- Pam is awesome!! Yeah it's not just a slice of the pie.
#32-Is he going to actually be an angel or is he going to be creepy.......
#34-They are being rude...
#35- Her mix matched pj's are amazing..
#36- Again the scarves are amazing...
#37- Sniff out the stinkers.. This movie is actually good.
#38- I don't like sushi either
#39-I know so much about sushi now.
#40- Is he wearing plaid or gingham...... When all else fails just stab the sushi
#41-Her outfts are amazing..
#42- " Do you have any idea what happens at a Bible study?" PRICELESS
#43- Small Groups! Met on mingle! PTL!
#44-Awwww.... That was just like so awkward!
#45- Water.... What is up with that shirt...
#46- Romans!! She needs those Bible Book tabs.
#47- Aww, he is so sweet!
#48- Hey he's in like every Christian movie now!
#49-"Next stop the delicious train"
#50-More coffee..... This is really a Christian Romantic Comedy
#51- Wow...... Driftwood
#52- I wonder what mice that listened to K-LOVE would do..... I know it calms me down....
#53- This is a super good analogy Paul!
#54- Oh snap they just kissed!
#55-Meryl Streep SHOUTOUT
#56- Really that Church is pretty!
#57- Is that Chandler Bing's mom....... yes.... yes it is
#58- I think Kelly is in Pirates of the Caribbean...
#59- I really want to go to a Steak and Cake that really seams like my kind of place!
#60-Bill the walking Advertiser..
#61-" Door to door we shall restore"
#62- Mama has got her heart set on Kelly being her daughter in love....
#63- Oh dude....... Oh dude...... that was like epic fail Paul EPIC FAIL...
#64-Her outfits are so cute!!
#65- It's cause they have the joy of Jesus down in their hearts!
#66- Pulling it out of thin air.....
#67- The backdrop of advertising for Male Baldness pills is so funny.. and Such a good analogy..
#68- Are they twins.
#69-She's either going to get a raise .... Or get fired...
#70- She's probably going to get fired...
#71- I love her letter's on her wall! Monogram chic!
#72- She should go to Mexico...
#74- You should have worn jeans ...... Not a vacay girl.
#75- "When your peace comes from God, no storm can take it"
#76- Rooster!
#77- Yeah.... They are all up already.... You could have just wore your pj pants!
#78- That's a really white Bible
#79-That's a really hard question to answer...
#80- Oh now Kelly speaks Spanish.... Good for her...
#81- Wait..... They've been gossiping about her........
#82-He's been Missionary dating this whole time and never realized it...
#83-You should have just lead her down the Roman Road man......
#84- Wait...... Why are you making her lead.... His mom should have taken her under her wing and mentored her..
#85-GO IN GO IN GO IN!!!
#86- SHE WENT IN!!
#89- Best knock knock joke ever
#90- Seriously
#91- What is up with that suit coat
#92- Paul the missionary dater
#93- Since of purpose!
#95-Cutting through the Jungle to Jesus..
#96-She doesn't need you any way she has Jesus!
#97-Awwww Gabby had her baby!!
#98-Yes Gwen we are created unique for a reason!
#99- You know Paul, she didn't get mad when you called her out on her crap..... She listened!
#100-My mom is going to love this movie!
#101-Awwww.... Letter from one of the people she helped!
#103-Awww now she's a teacher!
#105-Spoiler alert.... It was Paul....
#106- You can tell he's had a change of heart cause his button up is undone