Thursday, February 12, 2015

Top 3 Thursday- Podcasts

My love for podcasts is kind of crazy..... I listen to them all the time, I just love that you can learn about anything and everything!

 Here are my top 3 that I listen to all the time! 

The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey-

This podcast might actually be my favorite, I love how down to earth it is! It's like your sitting down for a coffee (or in my case Tea) with her and her guest of the week! My favorite episodes are the Jen Hatmaker, Jennie Allen and Annie Downs, but really each episode is great!

The Influence Podcast-

I love the variety of this podcast lots of different topics, lots of different guest! I am especially loving the ones with Lara Casey right now!

Stuff You Missed in History Class-

This podcast literally sends my inner historian into a frenzy every time I listen to it! Host Holly and Tracy have a great way of presenting each topic in a down to earth manner that makes it great for all ages. As I said being a hobbiest(is that a word... sounds like one) historian I know some of this info already but they always seem to surprise me with a new fact every episode! Some of my fave episodes are, The Vanishing of Sister Aimee, Beast of Gevaudan, The Verreaux Brothers and the recent two parter on Antoni Gaudi.

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